Overview of Making Change: Mercurial Tales of How Life Can Turn On a Dime, a work in progress by Mervil M. Paylor
Making Change: A Short Introduction

Shown below: A completely bogus attempt to make you think this book actually exists. And it does — in my mind.
Making Change is a book I began several years ago based on true stories of how events, decisions and circumstances have changed my life — sometimes in a split second. In addition to this main theme, several sub-threads will be woven into the book, hopefully providing additional structure to hold this puppy together. They are: Mercury (the god, the element and the dime); the vernacular of books in general; and a mystery riddle which runs throughout the book. My goal is pure amusement for readers, so if you find one thing that strikes you as visually or verbally entertaining I will be happy. I hope you will be too.
Shown below: Making Change is dedicated to my Mama, and her Mama (pictured) — the original Mervil.